Source code for otoole.validate

"""Ensures that technology and fuel names match the convention

For example, to validate the following list of names, you would use the
config shown below::


Create a yaml validation config with the following format::

        UNIQUE_ENTRY1: Description of unique entry 1
        UNIQUE_ENTRY2: Description of unique entry 2
      - name: first_entry_in_schema
        valid: ['these', 'are__', 'all__', 'valid', 'entry', 'in__', 'a____', 'list_']
        position: (1, 5) # a tuple representing the start and end position
      - name: second_entry_in_schema
        valid: some_valid_codes  # references an entry in the codes section of the
        position: (6, 19) # a tuple representing the start and end position


import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence

import networkx.algorithms.isolate as isolate
import pandas as pd

from otoole.utils import get_packaged_resource, read_packaged_file
from otoole.visualise.res import create_graph

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def read_validation_config(): return read_packaged_file("validate.yaml", "otoole")
[docs]def check_for_duplicates(codes: Sequence) -> bool: duplicate_values = len(codes) != len(set(codes)) return duplicate_values
[docs]def create_schema(config: Optional[Dict[str, Dict]] = None) -> Dict: """Populate the dict of schema with codes from the validation config Arguments --------- config : dict, default=None A configuration dictionary containing ``codes`` and ``schema`` keys """ if config is None: config = read_validation_config() for resource_name, resource_schemas in config["schema"].items(): logger.debug("%s", resource_name) for schema in resource_schemas: for items in schema["items"]: # typing: List if isinstance(items["valid"], str): items["valid"] = list( config["codes"][items["valid"]].keys() ) # typing: List logger.debug("create_schema: %s", items["valid"]) elif isinstance(items["valid"], list): pass else: raise ValueError("Entry {} is not correct".format(schema["name"])) if check_for_duplicates(items["valid"]): raise ValueError( "There are duplicate values in codes for {}", schema["name"] ) return config["schema"]
[docs]def compose_expression(schema: List) -> str: """Generates a regular expression from a schema Returns ------- str """ expression = "^" for x in schema: logger.debug("compose_expression: %s", x["valid"]) valid_entries = "|".join(x["valid"]) expression += "({})".format(valid_entries) return expression
[docs]def compose_multi_expression(resource: List) -> str: """Concatenates multiple expressions using an OR operator Use to validate elements using an OR operation e.g. the elements must match this expression OR the expression """ expressions = [] for schemas in resource: expressions.append(compose_expression(schemas["items"])) return "|".join(expressions)
[docs]def validate(expression: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine if ``name`` matches the ``expression`` Arguments --------- expression : str name : str Returns ------- bool """ logger.debug("Running validation for %s", name) valid = False pattern = re.compile(expression) if pattern.fullmatch(name): valid = True else: valid = False return valid
[docs]def validate_resource( input_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], resource: str, schemas: List[Dict] ) -> None: """Validates a single resource against the validation config. Arguments --------- input_data: dict[str,pd.DataFrame] otoole internal datastore resource: str schemas : List[Dict] The schema from which to create a validation expression """ print( "Validating {} with {}\n".format( resource, ", ".join([x["name"] for x in schemas]) ) ) logger.debug(schemas) expression = compose_multi_expression(schemas) resources = get_packaged_resource(input_data, resource) valid_names = [] invalid_names = [] for row in resources: name = row["VALUE"] valid = validate(expression, row["VALUE"]) if valid: valid_names.append(name) else: invalid_names.append(name) if invalid_names: msg = "{} invalid names:\n{}\n" print(msg.format(len(invalid_names), ", ".join(invalid_names))) if valid_names: msg = "{} valid names:\n{}\n" print(msg.format(len(valid_names), ", ".join(valid_names)))
[docs]def identify_orphaned_fuels_techs( input_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] ) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns a list of fuels and technologies which are unconnected Returns ------- dict """ graph = create_graph(input_data) number_of_isolates = isolate.number_of_isolates(graph) logger.debug("There are {} isolated nodes in the graph".format(number_of_isolates)) isolated_nodes: Dict = defaultdict(list) for node_name in list(isolate.isolates(graph)): node_data = graph.nodes[node_name] isolated_nodes[node_data["type"]].append(node_name) return isolated_nodes
[docs]def main(input_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], config=None): print("\n***Beginning validation***\n") schema = create_schema(config) for resource, schemas in schema.items(): validate_resource(input_data, resource, schemas) print("\n***Checking graph structure***") isolated_nodes = identify_orphaned_fuels_techs(input_data) msg = "" for node_type, node_names in isolated_nodes.items(): msg += "\n{} '{}' nodes are isolated:\n {}\n".format( len(node_names), node_type, ", ".join(node_names) ) print(msg)