Source code for otoole.utils

import json
import logging
import os
from importlib.resources import files
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import pandas as pd
from pydantic import ValidationError
from yaml import SafeLoader, load  # type: ignore

from otoole.exceptions import OtooleConfigFileError, OtooleDeprecationError
from otoole.preprocess.validate_config import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _read_file(open_file, ending):
    if ending == ".yaml" or ending == ".yml":
        contents = load(open_file, Loader=UniqueKeyLoader)  # typing: Dict[str, Any]
    elif ending == ".json":
        contents = json.load(open_file)  # typing: Dict
        contents = open_file.readlines()
    return contents

[docs]def read_packaged_file(filename: str, module_name: Optional[str] = None): _, ending = os.path.splitext(filename) if module_name is None: with open(filename, "r") as open_file: contents = _read_file(open_file, ending) else: with files(module_name).joinpath(filename).open("r") as open_file: contents = _read_file(open_file, ending) return contents
[docs]def extract_config( schema: Dict, default_values: Dict ) -> Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]]: config = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]]] for resource in schema["resources"]: name = resource["name"] if name == "default_values": continue dtype_mapping = { "number": "float", "string": "str", "float": "float", "integer": "int", } fields = resource["schema"]["fields"] dtype = [x["type"] for x in fields if x["name"] == "VALUE"][0] if (len(fields) == 1) & (fields[0]["name"] == "VALUE"): element_type = "set" config[name] = {"dtype": dtype_mapping[dtype], "type": element_type} else: element_type = "param" indices = [x["name"] for x in fields if x["name"] != "VALUE"] config[name] = { "type": element_type, "indices": indices, "dtype": dtype_mapping[dtype], "default": default_values[name], } return config
[docs]def create_name_mappings( config: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, List]]], map_full_to_short: bool = True ) -> Dict: """Creates name mapping between full name and short name. Arguments --------- config : Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[str, List]]] Parsed user configuration file map_full_to_short: bool Map full name to short name if true, else map short name to full name Returns ------- csv_to_excel Dict[str, str] Mapping of full name to shortened name """ csv_to_excel = {} for name, params in config.items(): try: csv_to_excel[name] = params["short_name"] except KeyError: if len(name) > 31:"{name} does not have a 'short_name'") continue if map_full_to_short: return csv_to_excel else: return {v: k for k, v in csv_to_excel.items()}
[docs]def validate_config(config: Dict) -> None: """Validates user input data Arguments --------- config: Dict Read in user config yaml file Raises ------ ValidationError If the user inputs are not valid """ # For validating with pydantic config_flattened = format_config_for_validation(config) user_defined_sets = get_all_sets(config) errors = [] for input_data in config_flattened: try: if "type" not in input_data: UserDefinedValue(**input_data) elif input_data["type"] == "param": input_data["defined_sets"] = user_defined_sets UserDefinedParameter(**input_data) elif input_data["type"] == "result": input_data["defined_sets"] = user_defined_sets UserDefinedResult(**input_data) elif input_data["type"] == "set": UserDefinedSet(**input_data) else: # have pydantic raise an error UserDefinedValue( name=input_data["name"], type=input_data["type"], dtype=input_data["dtype"], ) except ValidationError as ex: errors_caught = [x["msg"] for x in ex.errors()] errors.extend(errors_caught) if errors: error_message = "\n".join(errors) raise OtooleConfigFileError(message=f"\n{error_message}")
[docs]def format_config_for_validation(config_in: Dict) -> List: """Formats config for validation function. Flattens dictionary to a list Arguments --------- config_in: Dict Read in user config yaml file Returns ------- config_out: List Example ------- >>> config_in >>> AccumulatedAnnualDemand: indices: [REGION,FUEL,YEAR] type: param dtype: float default: 0 >>> config_out >>> [{ name: AccumulatedAnnualDemand indices: [REGION,FUEL,YEAR] type: param dtype: float default: 0 }, ... ] """ config_out = [] for name, data in config_in.items(): flattened_data = {"name": name, **data} config_out.append(flattened_data) return config_out
[docs]def read_deprecated_datapackage(datapackage: str) -> str: """Checks filepath for CSVs if a datapackage is provided Arguments --------- datapackage: str Location of input datapackge Returns ------- input_csvs: str Location of input csv files Raises ------ OtooleDeprecationError If no 'data/' directory is found """ input_csvs = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(datapackage), "data") if os.path.exists(input_csvs): return input_csvs else: raise OtooleDeprecationError( resource="datapackage.json", message="datapackage format no longer supported and no csv data found", )
[docs]def get_packaged_resource( input_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], param: str ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Gets input parameter data and formats it as a dictionary Arguments --------- input_data : Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] Internal datastore for otoole input data param : str Name of OSeMOSYS parameter Returns ------- List[Dict[str,any]] List of all rows in the df, where each dictionary is the column name, followed by the value in that row Example ------- >>> get_packaged_resource(input_data, "InputActivityRatio") >>> [{'REGION': 'SIMPLICITY', 'TECHNOLOGY': 'RIVWATAGR', 'FUEL': 'WATIN', 'MODE_OF_OPERATION': 1, 'YEAR': 2020, 'VALUE': 1.0}] """ return input_data[param].reset_index().to_dict(orient="records")
[docs]class UniqueKeyLoader(SafeLoader): """YALM Loader to find duplicate keys This loader will treat lowercase and uppercase keys as the same. Meaning, the keys "SampleKey" and "SAMPLEKEY" are considered the same. Raises ------ ValueError If a key is defined more than once. Adapted from: """
[docs] def construct_mapping(self, node, deep=False): mapping = [] for key_node, _ in node.value: key = self.construct_object(key_node, deep=deep) key = key.upper() if key in mapping: raise ValueError(f"{key} -> defined more than once") mapping.append(key) return super().construct_mapping(node, deep)
[docs]def get_all_sets(config: Dict) -> List: """Extracts user defined sets""" return [x for x, y in config.items() if y["type"] == "set"]