Source code for otoole.input

"""The ``input`` module allows you to access the conversion routines programmatically

To use the routines, you need to instantiate a ``ReadStrategy`` and a ``WriteStrategy``
relevant for the format of the input and output data.  You then pass these to a

Convert an in-memory dictionary of pandas DataFrames containing OSeMOSYS parameters
to an Excel spreadsheet::

>>> from otoole import ReadMemory
>>> from otoole import WriteExcel
>>> from otoole import Context
>>> reader = ReadMemory(parameters)
>>> writer = WriteExcel()
>>> converter = Context(read_strategy=reader, write_strategy=writer)
>>> converter.convert('.', 'osemosys_to_excel.xlsx')

Convert a GNUMathProg datafile to a folder of CSV files::

>>> from otoole import ReadDataFile
>>> from otoole import WriteCsv
>>> from otoole import Context
>>> reader = ReadDataFile()
>>> writer = WriteCsv()
>>> converter = Context(read_strategy=reader, write_strategy=writer)
>>> converter.convert('my_datafile.txt', 'folder_of_csv_files')

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, TextIO, Tuple, Union

import pandas as pd

from otoole.exceptions import OtooleIndexError, OtooleNameMismatchError

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Context: """ The Context defines the interface of interest to clients. """ def __init__( self, read_strategy: ReadStrategy, write_strategy: WriteStrategy ) -> None: """ Usually, the Context accepts a strategy through the constructor, but also provides a setter to change it at runtime. """ self._read_strategy = read_strategy self._write_strategy = write_strategy @property def write_strategy(self) -> WriteStrategy: """ The Context maintains a reference to one of the Strategy objects. The Context does not know the concrete class of a strategy. It should work with all strategies via the Strategy interface. """ return self._write_strategy @write_strategy.setter def write_strategy(self, strategy: WriteStrategy) -> None: """ Usually, the Context allows replacing a Strategy object at runtime. """ self._write_strategy = strategy @property def read_strategy(self) -> ReadStrategy: """ The Context maintains a reference to one of the Strategy objects. The Context does not know the concrete class of a strategy. It should work with all strategies via the Strategy interface. """ return self._read_strategy @read_strategy.setter def read_strategy(self, strategy: ReadStrategy) -> None: """ Usually, the Context allows replacing a Strategy object at runtime. """ self._read_strategy = strategy def _read( self, filepath: str, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], Dict[str, Any]]: """Delegate reading to the strategy, depending upon the format""" return, **kwargs) def _write( self, inputs: Dict, filepath: str, default_values: Dict, **kwargs ) -> None: """ Delegate writing to the strategy, depending upon the format """ self._write_strategy.write(inputs, filepath, default_values, **kwargs)
[docs] def convert(self, input_filepath: str, output_filepath: str, **kwargs: Dict): """Converts from file ``input_filepath`` to file ``output_filepath`` Arguments --------- input_filepath: str output_filepath: str """ inputs, default_values = self._read(input_filepath, **kwargs) self._write(inputs, output_filepath, default_values, **kwargs)
[docs]class Strategy(ABC): """ Arguments --------- user_config : dict, default=None A user configuration for the input parameters and sets """ def __init__(self, user_config: Dict[str, Dict]): self.user_config = user_config self.input_config = { x: y for x, y in self.user_config.items() if y["type"] in ["param", "set"] } self.results_config = { x: y for x, y in self.user_config.items() if y["type"] == "result" } def _add_dtypes(self, config: Dict): for name, details in config.items(): if details["type"] == "param": dtypes = {} for column in details["indices"] + ["VALUE"]: if column == "VALUE": dtypes["VALUE"] = ( details["dtype"] if details["dtype"] != "int" else "int64" ) else: dtypes[column] = ( config[column]["dtype"] if config[column]["dtype"] != "int" else "int64" ) details["index_dtypes"] = dtypes elif details["type"] == "set": details["dtype"] = ( details["dtype"] if details["dtype"] != "int" else "int64" ) return config @property def user_config(self) -> Dict: return self._user_config @user_config.setter def user_config(self, value: Dict): if value: self._user_config = self._add_dtypes(value) elif value is None: raise ValueError("A user configuration must be passed into the reader") @staticmethod def _read_default_values(config): default_values = {} for name, contents in config.items(): if contents["type"] != "set": default_values[name] = contents["default"] return default_values
[docs]class WriteStrategy(Strategy): """ The WriteStrategy interface declares operations common to all writing formats The Context uses this interface to call the algorithm defined by Concrete Strategies. Arguments --------- user_config: dict, default=None filepath: str, default=None default_values: dict, default=None write_defaults: bool, default=False input_data: dict, default=None """ def __init__( self, user_config: Dict, filepath: Optional[str] = None, default_values: Optional[Dict] = None, write_defaults: bool = False, input_data: Optional[Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]] = None, ): super().__init__(user_config=user_config) if filepath: self.filepath = filepath else: self.filepath = "" if default_values: self.default_values = default_values else: self.default_values = {} if input_data: self.input_data = input_data else: self.input_data = {} self.write_defaults = write_defaults @abstractmethod def _header(self) -> Union[TextIO, Any]: raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _write_parameter( self, df: pd.DataFrame, parameter_name: str, handle: TextIO, default: float, **kwargs, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Write parameter data""" raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _write_set(self, df: pd.DataFrame, set_name, handle: TextIO) -> pd.DataFrame: """Write set data""" raise NotImplementedError() @abstractmethod def _footer(self, handle: TextIO): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def write( self, inputs: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], filepath: str, default_values: Dict[str, float], **kwargs, ): """Perform the conversion from dict of dataframes to destination format""" self.filepath = filepath self.default_values = default_values handle = self._header() logger.debug(default_values) self.input_data = inputs if self.write_defaults: try: self.input_data = self._expand_defaults(inputs, default_values) except KeyError as ex: logger.debug(ex) for name, df in sorted(self.input_data.items()): logger.debug("%s has %s columns: %s", name, len(df.index.names), df.columns) try: entity_type = self.user_config[name]["type"] except KeyError: try: entity_type = self.results_config[name]["type"] except KeyError: raise KeyError("Cannot find %s in input or results config", name) if entity_type != "set": default_value = default_values[name] self._write_parameter( df, name, handle, default=default_value, input_data=self.input_data ) else: self._write_set(df, name, handle) self._footer(handle) if isinstance(handle, TextIO): handle.close()
def _expand_defaults( self, data_to_expand: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], default_values: Dict[str, float] ) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Populates default value entry rows in dataframes Parameters ---------- data_to_expand : Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], default_values : Dict[str, float] Returns ------- Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] Input data with expanded default values replacing missing entries """ sets = [x for x in self.user_config if self.user_config[x]["type"] == "set"] output = {} for name, data in data_to_expand.items():"Writing defaults for {name}") # skip sets if name in sets: output[name] = data continue # TODO # Issue with how otoole handles trade route right now. # The double definition of REGION throws an error. if name == "TradeRoute": output[name] = data continue # save set information for each parameter index_data = {} for index in data.index.names: index_data[index] = self.input_data[index]["VALUE"].to_list() # set index if len(index_data) > 1: new_index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product( list(index_data.values()), names=list(index_data.keys()) ) else: new_index = pd.Index( list(index_data.values())[0], name=list(index_data.keys())[0] ) df_default = pd.DataFrame(index=new_index) # save default result value df_default["VALUE"] = default_values[name] # combine result and default value dataframe if not data.empty: df = pd.concat([data, df_default]) df = df[~df.index.duplicated(keep="first")] else: df = df_default df = df.sort_index() output[name] = df return output
[docs]class ReadStrategy(Strategy): """ The Strategy interface declares operations common to all reading formats. The Context uses this interface to call the algorithm defined by Concrete Strategies. """ def _check_index( self, input_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] ) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Checks index and datatypes are applied to the parameter DataFrame Also removes empty lines Arguments --------- input_data : dict Dictionary and pandas DataFrames containing the OSeMOSYS parameters Returns ------- dict Dictionary and pandas DataFrames containing the OSeMOSYS parameters """ for name, df in input_data.items(): details = self.user_config[name] if details["type"] == "param": self._check_param_index_names(name=name, config=details, df=df) elif details["type"] == "set": self._check_set_index_names(name=name, df=df) try: df = self._check_index_dtypes(name=name, config=details, df=df) except ValueError as ex: raise ValueError(f"{name}: {ex}") input_data[name] = df return input_data @staticmethod def _check_param_index_names( name: str, config: Dict[str, Any], df: pd.DataFrame ) -> None: """Checks parameter index names input data against config file Arguments --------- name: str Name of parameter config: Dict[str,Any] Configuration file data for the parameter df: pd.DataFrame Data read in for the parameter Raises ------ OtooleIndexError If actual indices do not match expected indices """ actual_indices = df.index.names if actual_indices[0] is None: # for ReadMemory logger.debug(f"No multi-index identified for {name}") actual_indices = list(df)[:-1] # Drop "VALUE" logger.debug(f"Actual indices for {name} are {actual_indices}") try: expected_indices = config["indices"] logger.debug(f"Expected indices for {name} are {expected_indices}") except KeyError: logger.debug(f"No expected indices identified for {name}") return if actual_indices == expected_indices: return else: raise OtooleIndexError( resource=name, config_indices=expected_indices, data_indices=actual_indices, ) @staticmethod def _check_set_index_names(name: str, df: pd.DataFrame) -> None: """Checks for proper set index name Arguments --------- name: str Name of set df: pd.DataFrame Data read in for the parameter Raises ------ OtooleIndexError If actual indices do not match expected indices """ if not list(df.columns) == ["VALUE"]: raise OtooleIndexError( resource=name, config_indices=["VALUE"], data_indices=df.columns, ) @staticmethod def _check_index_dtypes( name: str, config: Dict[str, Any], df: pd.DataFrame ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Checks datatypes of input data against config file Arguments --------- name: str Name of parameter config: Dict[str,Any] Configuration file data for the parameter df: pd.DataFrame Data read in for the parameter Returns ------- pd.DataFrame input_data with corrected datatypes """ if config["type"] == "param": logger.debug("Identified {} as a parameter".format(name)) try: df.set_index(config["indices"], inplace=True) except KeyError: logger.debug("Unable to set index on {}".format(name)) pass logger.debug("Column dtypes identified: {}".format(config["index_dtypes"])) logger.debug(df.head()) # Drop empty rows try: df = ( df.dropna(axis=0, how="all") .reset_index() .astype(config["index_dtypes"]) .set_index(config["indices"]) ) except ValueError: # ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: df = df.dropna(axis=0, how="all").reset_index() for index, dtype in config["index_dtypes"].items(): if dtype == "int64": df[index] = df[index].astype(float).astype("int64") else: df[index] = df[index].astype(dtype) df = df.set_index(config["indices"]) else: logger.debug("Identified {} as a set".format(name)) df = df.astype(config["dtype"]) return df def _get_missing_input_dataframes( self, input_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], config_type: str ) -> Dict[str, pd.DataFrame]: """Creates empty dataframes if user config data does not exist Arguments: ---------- input_data: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] Internal datastore config_type: str Type of value. Must be "set", "param", or "result" Returns: -------- all_params: Dict[str, pd.DataFrame] Input data plus empty dataframes """ if config_type not in ["set", "param", "result"]: raise ValueError(f"{config_type} not of type 'set', 'param', or 'result'") all_values = [ value for value, data in self.user_config.items() if data["type"] == config_type ] missing_values = [x for x in all_values if x not in input_data] for value in missing_values: try: # param and result condition indices = self.user_config[value]["indices"] df = pd.DataFrame(columns=indices) df = df.set_index(indices) except KeyError: # set condition df = pd.DataFrame() df["VALUE"] = "" input_data[value] = df return input_data def _compare_read_to_expected( self, names: List[str], short_names: bool = False ) -> None: """Compares input data definitions to config file definitions Arguments: --------- names: List[str] Parameter and set names read in map_names: bool = False If should be checking short_names from config file Raises: ------- OtooleNameMismatchError If the info in the data and config file do not match """ user_config = self.input_config if short_names: expected = [] for name in user_config: try: expected.append(user_config[name]["short_name"]) except KeyError: expected.append(name) else: expected = [x for x in user_config] errors = list(set(expected).symmetric_difference(set(names))) if errors: logger.debug(f"data and config name errors are: {errors}") raise OtooleNameMismatchError(name=errors)
[docs] @abstractmethod def read( self, filepath: Union[str, TextIO], **kwargs ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], Dict[str, Any]]: """Reads in data from file Arguments --------- filepath: Union[str, TextIO] Returns ------- Tuple[Dict[str, pd.DataFrame], Dict[str, Any]] tuple of input_data as a dictionary of pandas DataFrames and dictionary of default values """ raise NotImplementedError()