Source code for otoole.validate

"""Ensures that technology and fuel names match the convention

For example, to validate the following list of names, you would use the
config shown below::


Create a yaml validation config with the following format::

        UNIQUE_ENTRY1: Description of unique entry 1
        UNIQUE_ENTRY2: Description of unique entry 2
      - name: first_entry_in_schema
        valid: ['these', 'are__', 'all__', 'valid', 'entry', 'in__', 'a____', 'list_']
        position: (1, 5) # a tuple representing the start and end position
      - name: second_entry_in_schema
        valid: some_valid_codes  # references an entry in the codes section of the
        position: (6, 19) # a tuple representing the start and end position


import logging
import re
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import Dict, List, Sequence

import networkx.algorithms.isolate as isolate

from otoole import read_datapackage, read_packaged_file
from otoole.visualise.res import create_graph

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def read_validation_config(): return read_packaged_file("validate.yaml", "otoole")
[docs]def check_for_duplicates(codes: Sequence) -> bool: duplicate_values = len(codes) != len(set(codes)) return duplicate_values
[docs]def create_schema(config: Dict[str, Dict] = None) -> Dict: """Populate the dict of schema with codes from the validation config Arguments --------- config : dict, default=None A configuration dictionary containing ``codes`` and ``schema`` keys """ if config is None: config = read_validation_config() for resource_name, resource_schemas in config["schema"].items(): logger.debug("%s", resource_name) for schema in resource_schemas: for items in schema["items"]: # typing: List if isinstance(items["valid"], str): items["valid"] = list( config["codes"][items["valid"]].keys() ) # typing: List logger.debug("create_schema: %s", items["valid"]) elif isinstance(items["valid"], list): pass else: raise ValueError("Entry {} is not correct".format(schema["name"])) if check_for_duplicates(items["valid"]): raise ValueError( "There are duplicate values in codes for {}", schema["name"] ) return config["schema"]
[docs]def compose_expression(schema: List) -> str: """Generates a regular expression from a schema Returns ------- str """ expression = "^" for x in schema: logger.debug("compose_expression: %s", x["valid"]) valid_entries = "|".join(x["valid"]) expression += "({})".format(valid_entries) return expression
[docs]def compose_multi_expression(resource: List) -> str: """Concatenates multiple expressions using an OR operator Use to validate elements using an OR operation e.g. the elements must match this expression OR the expression """ expressions = [] for schemas in resource: expressions.append(compose_expression(schemas["items"])) return "|".join(expressions)
[docs]def validate(expression: str, name: str) -> bool: """Determine if ``name`` matches the ``expression`` Arguments --------- expression : str name : str Returns ------- bool """ logger.debug("Running validation for %s", name) valid = False pattern = re.compile(expression) if pattern.fullmatch(name): valid = True else: valid = False return valid
[docs]def validate_resource(package, resource: str, schemas: List[Dict]): """ Arguments --------- package resource: str schemas : List[Dict] The schema from which to create a validation expression """ print( "Validating {} with {}\n".format( resource, ", ".join([x["name"] for x in schemas]) ) ) logger.debug(schemas) expression = compose_multi_expression(schemas) resources = package.get_resource(resource).read(keyed=True) valid_names = [] invalid_names = [] for row in resources: name = row["VALUE"] valid = validate(expression, row["VALUE"]) if valid: valid_names.append(name) else: invalid_names.append(name) if invalid_names: msg = "{} invalid names:\n{}\n" print(msg.format(len(invalid_names), ", ".join(invalid_names))) if valid_names: msg = "{} valid names:\n{}\n" print(msg.format(len(valid_names), ", ".join(valid_names)))
[docs]def identify_orphaned_fuels_techs(package) -> Dict[str, str]: """Returns a list of fuels and technologies which are unconnected Returns ------- dict """ graph = create_graph(package) number_of_isolates = isolate.number_of_isolates(graph) logger.debug("There are {} isolated nodes in the graph".format(number_of_isolates)) isolated_nodes: Dict = defaultdict(list) for node_name in list(isolate.isolates(graph)): node_data = graph.nodes[node_name] isolated_nodes[node_data["type"]].append(node_name) return isolated_nodes
[docs]def main(file_format: str, filepath: str, config=None): print("\n***Beginning validation***\n") if file_format == "datapackage": package = read_datapackage(filepath) elif file_format == "sql": package = read_datapackage(filepath, sql=True) schema = create_schema(config) for resource, schemas in schema.items(): validate_resource(package, resource, schemas) print("\n***Checking graph structure***") isolated_nodes = identify_orphaned_fuels_techs(package) msg = "" for node_type, node_names in isolated_nodes.items(): msg += "\n{} '{}' nodes are isolated:\n {}\n".format( len(node_names), node_type, ", ".join(node_names) ) print(msg)